Saturday, December 30, 2006

A 15 hour Bus Ride

I'll make this as short as I can because I don't have much internet time.

We succesfully met up with Alex in Rome and headed out the next day by train to Florence. We believed our train to be scheduled at 8:30am, yet when we got to the station Anthony checked the ticket for a second time and found out that it was really at 7:30, so with about 10 minutes to spare we got on our train. It took about an hour and a half till we were in Florence. The city was really nice, not too big, so it was good that we only planned to stay for only the day. We walked around, did some shopping, and went to so museums...It was great, except for McDonald's, which is another story in it's self. Then at 8:30 we left for Milan. We got in at about 11:30 and found our Hotel. We had to wake up at 6:30am the next morning to hop on a train to the next airport we had to be at which would be our flight location for Amsterdam. So we got on the train and ultimately to the airport. We got checked in, and sat in the terminal waiting to take off when our flight was cancelled. Not just delayed, but cancelled...and they just kept telling us that we will get a refund after we mail in a slip and that there we're any other flights till the next day...and those flights were going for about 400 euro a piece...we were bummed to say the least. Well, long story short, a whole bunch of people from the flight grouped together to rent a charter bus and drive to Amsterdam from Italy. So for 100 euro a piece, we all decided to join in. And now, after sharing a 15 hour bus ride with a bunch of drunk Italians singing soccer chants, we have finally made it to our Amsterdam Hotel. The city is pretty clean so far from what we've seen, but we've really just seen the airport. Tomorrows the big day...should be fun, and kinda crazy...I expect to have a lot of pics, so tune in i guess...

well...that's it so far, the short version.

Enjoy the pictures!



At December 30, 2006 at 9:41 PM , Blogger Johnny J said...

So glad to hear you made it to Florence and then finally to Amsterdam. That's crazy! Can't wait to hear the whole story. Be smart and safe, all of you. Have fun.
Mom, Dad, Ginger and Turtles

At December 30, 2006 at 10:15 PM , Blogger Allison said...

Matt, I am so glad that you are having a great time! What a fun adventure...the bus ride story is one of the best! That's better than any dumb plane memories you would have made!

At December 30, 2006 at 10:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOw, this is the ultimate Euro trip or bust! You guys aren't letting anything get in your way! I'm always so anxious for a new post so keep them coming as mom and I worry a bit when we don't hear from you in 2 days but so glad to hear all you guys are safe and having a good time. Enjoy yourselves and Happy New Year if we don't hear from you before tomorrow night!

At December 30, 2006 at 10:46 PM , Blogger Julie Hibbard said...

What a great story! Bet that bus ride will be one of your favorite life long memories!
I am sooooo glad you made it to the Ponte Vechio! Isn't it magnificent?
And isn't David amazing?
You are gonna freakin' love Amsterdam! Take the canal cruise if you have time...see the Van Gogh museum too!!
We're having a great time in Seattle too...
Can't wait to hear more!

At December 31, 2006 at 8:47 PM , Blogger Johnny J said...

We were at Grandma J's today, shared all your pictures and stories with her. Vince was able to recognize some of the pictures (for some of us non travelers) and explain what they were for us. Daniel & Jennifer made up their own explanations, they were quite funny.
You should be waking up soon to New Years Day, hope you can post some more pics and stories. You've done a great job so far, but I am getting spoiled because if I don't hear form you in 2 days, I start to panic.
All my love,


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